The Real Reasons Hemp Was Prohibited
Click on the photo above for a high-resolution format that will allow you to see the fine print on the chart and the corporate logos of companies that benefit from maintaining marijuana prohibition.
Hemp Is a Source of Food, Clothing, Paper, Rope, Medicine, Fuel, and Building Materials
Consider all of the industries that were able to develop into monopolies when hemp was prohibited!
The Power of Hemp and Its Countless Uses
True History of Marijuana
Foods From Hemp
Hemp Seeds Are One of the Best Sources of Protein
Tropical Traditions Hemp Protein Powder is 50% Protein.
Hemp Oil for Health
Medicinal Forms of Cannabis
Cannabis can be used medicinally in five different forms: smoking or eating dried herb, drinking liquid herbal extract, ingesting or applying hemp oil, applying hemp salve, and drinking the extracted juice of fresh raw leaves and flowers.
The Power of Juicing Raw Cannabis
The daily dose of heated cannabis is 10 mg, but the daily dose of juiced raw cannabis is 600 mg with NO psychoactive side effects.
Leaf ~ The Health Benefits of Juicing Raw Cannabis
Jack Herer ~ Emperor of Hemp
Rick Simpson ~ Website ~ Facebook
Patents on Medical Use of Cannabis
On October 7, 2003 the United States Government as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services was granted a U.S. Patent (#6630507) on any and all uses and applications of: Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.
Phytocannabinoids in the treatment of cancer: Patent: US 20130059018 A1
Hemp for Paper and Textiles
Hemp was used for paper, clothing, sails and ropes on ships, and was accepted in lieu of money to pay taxes.
Save a Forest, Plant Hemp for Paper
Presidential Hemp Farmers
George Washington advocated use of hemp as currency — not hemp paper for printing currency, but bales of hemp to trade as currency.
Biodiesel From Hemp
Hemp Building Materials
Hempcrete Construction
Bricks and Chipboard
Insulation Materials
Hemp Plastics
Police and Prisons Oppose Legalization
Organizations for Marijuana Law Reform
NORML ~ National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws
DPLA ~ Drug Policy ??? ???