Introducing Andrew Bartzis, Galactic Historian
Andrew Bartzis was born psychically gifted, and was able to download people’s Akashic Records as a young child. At age 9, he had a huge awakening at the moment of a winning home run in a baseball stadium, and suddenly downloaded the Akashic Records of all 83,000 cheering fans in the stadium. It took him about three weeks to recover from the shock, and with the help of spirit guides who had timed their incarnations specifically to help him into his full abilities, Andrew integrated these even greater psychic skills and grew into his pre-chosen role as Galactic Historian. There have only been three other Galactic Historians in the past 52 million years. Andrew’s soul planned this incarnation a long time ago to be here in support of this time of transition.
These specific show recordings are a whirlwind introduction to Andrew Bartzis and the history of our galaxy and solar system. Start here:
Walking in Energy show ~ May 19, 2013
Walking in Energy show ~ May 26, 2013
Walking in Energy show ~ June 2, 2013
The Transitioning show ~ June 9, 2013 with guest Andrew Bartzis
Psychic Self Defense Update ~ June 14, 2013
The Galactic History Show ~ July 18, 2013
The Galactic History Show ~ July 23, 2013
The Galactic History Show ~ July 24, 2013
The Galactic History Show ~ July 25, 2013
The Galactic History Show ~ July 29, 2013
The Galactic History Show ~ July 30, 2013
The Galactic History Show ~ July 31, 2013
The Galactic History Show ~ August 1, 2013
Click here for links to more Galactic History shows and Walking in Energy shows.
Andrew Bartzis and Julien Wells take questions from the Pleiadians ~ August 4, 2013
This first webcast was free. Continuing conversations will be webcast for a small fee. I will publish the links as soon as they are available.
Introducing Julien Wells
Updates from our Friends in High Places
For an introduction to Julien Wells, check out the Friends in High Places page for archived recordings of Cosmic Room conversations and regular energy updates. Chris Hales interviews Julien as he communicates telepathically with several different races, primarily Pleiadians.
Julien Wells and Bob Wright host The Transitioning show every Saturday from 2-4 pm US Pacific time.
Archives of Online Radio Shows with Andrew Bartzis
Andrew’s website: Adventures Into Reality ~ Andrew had been doing 15-20 hours of radio shows each week up until he and Rob Potter co-hosted a conference in Mt. Shasta over the Summer Solstice weekend, June 22-24, 2013. Andrew is currently in the process of relocating to the Seattle area, and new shows are on a temporary hiatus.
Show archives can be accessed on Andrew’s YouTube Channel and by searching for Andrew on the Revolution Radio YouTube channel.
Look for archives of these shows:
- Adventures Into Reality on
- Soul Expressions on
- A Psychics Tale on
Galactic History Interviews from Mt. Shasta
During and following the Mt. Shasta conference, Andrew Bartzis was interviewed in detail, and many hours of Galactic History were recorded for publication. These will also be transcribed to facilitate translation into other languages.
Here is the link to a YouTube playlist of 20 Galactic History interviews by Lance White, the Zany Mystic.
Coming soon: a link to 5 Galactic History interviews by David Waterfall.
Psychic Self Defense
In this update Julian Wells and Chris Hales are joined by Andrew Bartzis to discuss a topic mentioned in his recent interviews on the Walking in Energy and The Transitioning shows, that the PTW are aggressively using telepaths operating as remote observers and influencers to reinforce the disruption and disinformation campaigns they are running and are also using entities called etheric fleas and etheric parasites to negatively affect and control individuals in conjunction with the “troll” program.
Andrew states that a plan exists to flood the Internet with these technologies on June 21st 2013. Forums and Skype rooms could be badly affected and disrupted. Defending yourself against these attacks is relatively straight forward and is explained in detail by Andrew.
Please pass this link on to anyone who will resonate. These psychic technologies and programs are truly disgusting and have been used against us for decades. The more people who have this information and act on it, the less effect these disgusting programs will have on The One People from this point forward.
Why your phone’s Airplane Mode isn’t just for the airplane.