Archive for June, 2014

TISA Just Leaked by Wikileaks -- Worse Than TPP and TTIP


Wikileaks Releases Draft of TISA ~ Trade In Services Agreement

Despite the failures in financial regulation evident during the 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis and calls for improvement of relevant regulatory structures, proponents of TISA aim to further deregulate global financial services markets.  The draft Financial Services Annex sets rules which would assist the expansion of financial multi-nationals – mainly headquartered in New York, London, Paris and Frankfurt – into other nations by preventing regulatory barriers.  The leaked draft also shows that the US is particularly keen on boosting cross-border data flow, which would allow uninhibited exchange of personal and financial data.

Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) ~ Leaked June 19, 2014


Exposed:  Secret TISA Agreement Worse Than TPP and TTIP

Proponents of TISA Aim To Further Deregulate Financial Services Markets

Analysis of Draft TISA Financial Services Trade Agreement

Preliminary Analysis of the leaked Trade in Services Agreement

Highlights of the analysis:

  • The secrecy of negotiating this document exceeds even the secrecy around the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
  • The TISA is being promoted by the same governments that installed the failed model of financial deregulation in the WTO and which has been blamed for helping to fuel the Global Financial Crisis.
  • TISA is designed for and in close consultation with the global finance industry, whose greed and recklessness has been blamed for successive crises and who continue to capture rulemaking in global institutions.

A sample of provisions from this leaked text show that governments signing on to TISA will:

  • be expected to lock in and extend their current levels of financial deregulation and liberalization;
  • lose the right to require data to be held onshore;
  • face pressure to authorize potentially toxic insurance products;
  • risk a legal challenge if they adopt measures to prevent or respond to another financial crisis.







Letter Written By Albert Pike Described WWIII

The Albert Pike letter predicted three world wars that would transform global society.  The descriptions of WWI and WWII were accurate.  The letter described starting World War III by creating a conflict between the Muslim world and political Zionism (Israel).

ISIS the Start of World War III? ~ David Icke


ISIS Exposed As CIA Operation

The U.S. mainstream media propaganda machine is describing the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, as the successor to Osama Bin Laden.  They are attempting to raise the terror level with repetition of a quote attributed to Al-Baghdadi promising a terror attack in New York.

Don’t Be Fooled by Propaganda: “The Next Bin Laden Is Here”


There is a Washington D.C.-based Military Contractor Named ISIS

ISIS:  Corporate Terrorists With an Annual Report?

The ISIS Ploy:  Illuminati Sorcery and Sacrifice

False Flag Operation ~ Scripted and Ready to Roll

U.S. Trained ISIS at Secret Jordan Base

Obama Asks for $500 Million to Equip Syrian Rebels As the ISIS Juggernaut in Iraq Spreads


The Fall of Iraq ~ What You’re Not Being Told

The U.S. and NATO have been actively working to topple Assad by arming and funding the Syrian rebels since 2011.  If the U.S. honestly wants to stop the spread of Islamic terrorism, then they should stop funding and arming Jihadists in Syria.


ISIS Terror Group Controlled by Saudi Royal Family

The Clandestine Reasons for ISIS Taking Over Iraq

ISIS In Iraq To Be Used To Justify Invasion In Syria

ISIS In Iraq and the Path to Iran

US Claims Syria Launches Airstrikes Into Iraq


For Real News From Syria, Follow SyrianGirl Mimi Al-Laham

SyrianGirl’s Official Website

SyrianGirl’s YouTube Channel






The European and American Public Are Being Systematically Lied To About the Ukraine Crisis

The crimes against humanity committed in Kiev earlier this year were in fact committed by the new coalition government…officials in the E.U. and the United States knew full well who committed these crimes…they are protecting and financially supporting the real criminals.

Ukraine Crisis ~ What You’re Not Being Told


The Odessa Massacre ~ What Really Happened

Contrary to what the mainstream media has tried to convince you, it’s not at all a mystery how the fire started in Odessa, Ukraine and it’s not at all a mystery who started it.  We owe it to the victims to expose what really happened.

The IMF made it very clear that the 17 billion dollar loan package they are offering will be cancelled if Kiev fails to regain control of the east.

It’s worth noting that Kiev began the third military offensive right after the IMF made that threat, and right after the massacre in Odessa, the IMF made the first 3.2 billion dollar payment towards that 17 billion.  I guess they earned it.


West Supports Kiev as it Escalates its Assault on Eastern Ukraine, Shelling Residential Areas

Residential areas in the east of Ukraine are being shelled indiscriminately by western forces, yet the corporate media is still trying to spin this as a result of Russian provocation.  For example the BBC ran a story today entitled “Is Russia orchestrating east Ukraine violence?”.  Yahoo ran a similar article entitled “US troubled by new Ukraine violence” in which they promote the White House’s official stance, which condemns the separatists for shooting down helicopters being used to attack them.

The provisional government in Kiev launched a military offensive against the eastern city of Slavyansk using tanks and helicopters, but the mainstream media will never show you what actually happened.  Click here for photos.


Slavyansk Shocked as Ukraine Army Shells Residential Area

Ukraine Government and Pro-Russian Militants Battle for Donetsk Airport

Battle erupted at the main airport in the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine Monday, after a rebel attack was met with government airstrikes and assault by paratroops.


Human Rights Watch Condemns the Detention of Journalists by Ukrainian Provisional Government

The Ukrainian provisional government is attempting to regain control of the flow of information in the worst possible way:  by cracking down on journalists.

Kiev has accused the journalists of transporting anti-aircraft missiles in their trunk, and claimed that they were not journalists at all.  A far more plausible explanation for their arrest is the fact that these were the same journalists that exposed the fact that U.N. helicopters were being employed in the military crackdown against protesters in the east.


UN Marked Mil Mi-24 Strike Helicopter Used in E. Ukraine Crackdown
Journalist Wounded and Refused Medical Evacuation


The U.N. has since issued a statement condemning the fact that the markings were left on the aircraft during the mission.  Note that they didn’t object to the use of their aircraft in military operations, just the markings (shooting political dissidents is fine, but don’t tarnish our image).